The fellowships are geared towards scholars who have a PhD degree and aim to support a research stay of minimum 1 month at Ghent University in 2019. The call is open to all disciplines. Applicants have to submit a brief application form with CV and need to have the endorsement of a UGent promotor. The grant is 2000 € and is aimed to cover (part of the) travel costs, housing, and living costs.
Experience the bright summer nights in Finland, boost up your academic knowledge during the summer break and make social connections and memories.
The summer school course "Space Technologies" is suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate students as the first space technology course or an add-on course. The program aims to provide advanced techniques of space engineering and understanding the core physics principles related to space exploration. Space industry problems are also considered during the program in addition to technology topics. The theoretical courses cover astrophysics, space technology and physics. Students will train their practical skills during a hackathon (a creative coding marathon) and an interactive business simulation workshop. The speakers are industry experts and scientists experienced in the field of space technology.
6-hours intensive course of Survival Russian is also included into the syllabus.
Five-week study abroad program combining academic and cultural components, bringing you some of the most trending tech topics with an extra flavor of Spanish language and culture in one of Europe’s most vibrant cities.
The program, with a total load of 120 teaching hours (nine credit-hours, 9CH), offers ten short courses covering trending tech topics, which are taught in English. Students have to select eight topics, accounting for a total of 80 teaching hours (6CH). The Spanish language course accounts for the remaining 40 teaching hours (3CH). It will be held in Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.