IPNT at the Polytech: Science, Technology & Creativity Festival

20 Марта 2018
IPNT at the Polytech: Science, Technology & Creativity Festival

Signing of the Agreement on Strategic Partnership between Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and Madrid Polytechnic University (UPM) on February 18, 2018, and the preceding it events gave a strong impulse to the development of relations between the higher schools and institutes of both universities. A few months ago, undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology, and Telecommunications (IPNT SPbPU) went on an internship program to the UPM Higher School of Telecommunications. Outcomes of their joint research work will be presented in their shared publication, the final discussion on which was one of the themes at the recent international event in Madrid, i.e., 'Polytech: Science, Technology & Creativity'.

The science and technology festival, which took a great start in the Spanish capital, has only one more time shown that there are mutual contact points in the partnerships between SPbPU and Spanish universities. Director of IPNT S.B. Makarov pointed out the importance of such events; he stressed that development of inter-university cooperation provides possibilities for students and young scholars to share their experiences and broaden their scientific perspectives, and thanked Spanish colleagues from UPM and the SPbPU International Offices under command of SPbPU Vice Rector D.G. ARSENYEV for their active involvement, organization of joint events, and support of working visits.

Presentation of Ye.N. VELICHKO, Director of the IPNT Higher School of Applied Physics and Space Technologies, dedicated to optical methods of studying of nanoobjects caused a very strong interest at the UPM Higher School of Telecommunications. This topic is essential in the global research community because the studies of nanoscale objects presently are the key theme in the researches in such vital spheres as, for example, the new field of biomolecular electronics, where they are used for creation of new devices and elements.


Equally successful was SPbPU INPT professor O.Yu. Tsybin’s presentation dedicated to the new generation of ion engines which modern airborne devices and space ships are equipped with. In the future prospects, they can be used for remote missions. These engines provide for maneuvering on the orbit, control of the movement, and boost accelerations.

About ten colleagues from Spain made their presentations along with the Russian scholars’ reports. They spoke about the topics bordering with the researchers of our academics. In particular, their developments presented professors Miguel Angel Sanchez GARCIA, Javier Martinez RODRIGO, Marco Cesar Maikas RAMOS, Jose Maria Ulloa, and others.

A great interest of the audience caused presentation of the International Polytechnic Summer School on “Space Technologies”educational module to be implemented by IPNT for the second time next summer. On behalf of IPNT, Ye.N. Velichko presented a certificate for free learning at the Summer School to the Director of the UPM Higher School of Telecommunications Felix Perez; Ye. A. Belyaevskaya, Director of the Department of Inter-University Cooperation, presented one more certificate to the Director of Higher School of Aviation and Space Engineering Javier Crespo MORENA. Both directors assured that the schools would hold a special contest, based on the results of which best students will go to St. Petersburg, visit the Pulkovo Observatory and the Svetloye Radio Space Observatory, take courses of lectures of the best world experts, and take part in enthralling seminars.