The conference on Physics of dielectrics was held with the support of the Polytechnic University

10 Октября 2020
The conference on Physics of dielectrics was held with the support of the Polytechnic University

XV International Conference «Physics of dielectrics» (Dielectrics – 2020) was held on October 5-8, 2020, St. Petersburg, Russia.

The International Conference "Dielectrics – 2020" continued a series of All-Union, Russian and International conferences on the dielectric physics, which were held in 1956 in Dnepropetrovsk, in 1958 in Moscow, in 1973 in Leningrad, in 1978 in Karaganda, in 1982 in Baku, in 1986 in Tomsk, and in 1993, 1997, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2011, 2014, and 2017 in Saint Petersburg.

In 2020, the Conference was jointly organized by Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg.

The key objective of Dielectrics—2020 was to promote advances in physics and technology of dielectric materials and to share ideas, knowledge, experience, and research findings. Dielectrics—2020 provided a platform for fruitful interdisciplinary discussions and fostered collaborations in physical science, technology, and engineering.

Traditionally, the conference program included sessions highlighted keynote issues such as

  • processes of charge transfer and accumulation in inorganic dielectrics
  • physics of nanostructured dielectrics
  • dielectric films research and application
  • physical processes in amorphous and glassy dielectrics
  • physics and technology of composite dielectrics
  • optics and spectroscopy of dielectrics
  • electrophysics of polymer dielectrics and composites based on them
  • dielectrics under extreme conditions
  • relaxation phenomena in polar dielectrics
  • dielectric materials technology and applications

Thanks to all participants, we have received more than 50 papers and proposals from 30 universities and companies which allowed us to make Dielectrics—2020 an excellent and enjoyable event with the perfect atmosphere for meeting colleagues and networking.