Important features of developed photonics BFS are the conversion of ultra-wideband microwave signals into optical domain and the realization of the TTD (true-time-delay) principle – insertion of controlled time delays instead of phase shifters usual in traditional PAA techniques. For TTD realization the proposed multi-channel photonics BFS uses dispersion properties of discrete and chirped fiber-optic Bragg gratings and DWDM technology for many microwave modulated optical carriers multiplexing.
9. «Diode lasers with narrow beam divergence»
Alexey E. Zhukov, Dr.Sci., professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (
Semiconductor diode lasers have such advantage as small weight and dimensions (the module size is on the order of few millimeters) that in particular is important for space applications because of the high specific cost of equipment orbital injection. Besides, laser diodes have the record-high efficiency (maximal reported values > 70 %) that is critical for use of the equipment under power-saving conditions. One more advantage of junction lasers based on III-V materials is their high radiation resistance. In the project, the design of the high-power laser diode capable of operating with narrow beam divergence in the vertical direction at room and elevated temperatures. Possible applications include free space data transmission, range finding, solid-state laser pumping, frequency doubling.
10. «The implementation of the classifier of signals with analog modulation based on neural networks»
Sergei V. Volvenko, associate prof. (
Automatic modulation classiffication (AMC) is an intermediate stage between signal detection and demodulation. It plays a key role in the emerging intelligent communication systems. The efficiency of the receiver is directly linked to the accuracy of the classiffier. The development of high-precision classiffication methods using modulation schemes is an important task. Also, this approach can be used for tasks of radio monitoring. In this project the classiffication of modulation types is performed on based features. The classiffication procedure consists of two stages: extraction of the signals features and their classiffication. The processing of the signals characteristic features is proposed to be performed using neural networks, which allows to classify signals effiectively.
11. «A development of new technical decisions to increase the accuracy of autonomous and satellite navigation systems»
Igor M. Sokolov, Dr.Sci., professor (
The present project is devoted to the investigation of excitation and registration of resonant quantum transitions in electron shells of atoms and atomic nuclei with the goal of creating compact and high-precision atomic clocks operating on the basis of coherent population trapping effects, as well as inertial navigation systems constructed on the scheme of rotation sensor using the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). On the basis of a consequent quantum approach, a mathematical model of atomic clocks, which operate according to the Ramsay resonance registration scheme has been developed; a new method of pumping and NMR detection is proposed; the theory of a quantum rotation sensor using this method is constructed, and an experimental model of such a sensor is created. The obtained results can be used to improve the accuracy of both satellite navigation systems and autonomous positioning systems in conditions where satellite navigation is impossible.
12. «A miniature high-power pulse nano/subnanosecond optical emitter for the long-distance high resolution radars»
Alexey V. Filimonov, Dr.Sci., head of a department, director of REC «NCM» (
The project aims at creating miniature pulsed optical emitter based on infrared laser diode with pulse duration of the order of one nanosecond and pulse power of more than 40 Watt, using the effect of high-performance avalanche switching in bipolar silicon transistors combined with constructional, component and circuit technology solutions enabling the control of transient phenomena. The device design is ideal for creating LIDAR systems. The device will be widely applied in automotive and aerospace industries, shipbuilding, in the area of optical location systems, automatic recognition systems, technical vision systems and other areas of electronics.
13. «A miniature quantum magnetometer with optical pumping on integral components»
Sergei V. Ermak, PhD, associate prof. (
The project is aimed at creating a model of a miniature quantum magnetometer with optical pumping of alkali atoms in a cell created using integrated technologies. At present, special attention is paid to the search for magnetic anomalies of natural and technogenic origin on the earth's surface and at the bottom of water areas. This is due to the importance of searching for deposits of minerals (offshore deposits), studying the movement of the earth's crust (earthquake), searching for sunken objects of civil and military origin, searching for products of man-made disasters. In particular, the task of developing offshore deposits is strategic for the Russian Federation. Miniature quantum magnetometers are the optimal basis for constructing complex ground-based and sea-based magnetometric complexes. The results of the project can be used to create systems for magnetic reconnaissance from small-scale land, air and sea objects (including unmanned vehicles), as well as in the development of portable systems for diagnosing the activity of the human heart and brain, and control systems for robotic objects using brain signals from the operator.
14. «Self-organizing high-temperature nanostructures»
Pavel G. Gabdullin, PhD, associate prof. (
There are two main areas of activity of the "SHN" laboratory:
1. Development of the ultrasensitive sensors based on multilayer nanostructures.
2. Development of a different type of soldering materials for electronics based on multilayered metal nanolaminates.
The most perspective of the latest projects with industrial partners are:
― The Introduction of the SmartFoil technology into the production of electronics using SMD elements.
― Development of technology for using the material "SmartFoil" during the installation of piezoceramic elements.
― Development of ultrasensitive thin-film pressure sensors based on multilayer nanostructures.
― Development of ultra-sensitive thin-film temperature sensors based on multi-layer nanostructures.
― Development of the ultrasensitive matrix of the IR thermal imager, for operation in high-temperature conditions.
15. «High-precision fiber-optic interferometry»
Leonid B. Liokumovich, Dr.Sci., prof. (
The fiber-optic interferometry techniques allow to develop sensing systems for structure health monitoring, control of technological processes and positioning precision, hydro-acoustics, geologic exploration, high current and voltage measurement, etc. New sensors combine unprecedented resolution and possibility to function in conditions where traditional sensors are hardly ever applicable. The project is aimed at the development of the effective configurations of optical schemes and interference signals processing algorithms providing reliable performance, high precision and ability to perform measurements with multiplexed sensing elements. One of the main points, required to provide high resolution and reliable operation, is study of the mechanisms of the circuit elements noise effects and ways to decrease them using special methods of interference signal demodulation. The obtained results are expected to provide the implementation of fiberoptic interferometers for systems of sea-bed, on-board and towed hydro-acoustic antennas, complexes of geophysical downhole sensors, systems of perimeter control and complexes of voltage and current optical measuring transformers.
16. «Development of a measuring technology of strain field in welds»
Sergei V. Volvenko, associate prof. (
The crack formation in a solid body (including the process of laser welding) is a complex phenomenon, since the interaction of mechanical, thermal and metallurgical factors affects this process. Cracks are
formed in the last stages of crystallization process, and the main reason of their appearance is strain. Measurement of surface strain of materials and structures subjected to various loadings (e.g. mechanical or thermal loading) is an important task of experimental solid mechanics. Existing methods do not allow measurements of full-field strain in the weld. Measurement of full-field strain locally nearby the solidification front during laser welding is an important task. The optical measurement allows to determine the real values of the critical strain for various materials characterizing the occurrence of hot cracks in laser welding process.
17. «Small-size laser correlation spectrometer»
Elena N. Velichko, PhD, associate prof. (
Laser correlation spectroscopy is a universal technique that allows estimation of sizes of nanoparticles in solutions and suspensions. The advantages offered by the technique are a high accuracy and a high speed of operation. In addition, no special sample preparation is needed. Owing to these features, sizes of nanoparticles can be controlled at all stages of production and storage of solutions, suspensions, and nanopowders. Measurements do not disturb the system being tested, which makes this device suitable for studies of nanoobjects and biological solutions in pharmacologic and biochemical laboratories and medical centers. In the framework of the project, a small-size portable laser correlation spectrometer with data processing that allows a highly precise estimation of dimensions of scatterers in polydisperse solutions has been developed.
18. «A meter for the rainfall meteorological parameters»
Viktor I. Maliugin, PhD, associate prof. (
The project is aimed to develop the automated system for measuring the meteorological rainfalls level and structure, as well as collecting, processing and transmitting information for the formation of meteorological situation and the nature disasters forecasts. The main element of the system is a meter for measuring the rainfall volume, intensity and structure. The meter operation is based on the optical
technique, which allows determination the particle sizes and speeds in the drop flow simultaneously and independently. The meter can function both as an individual device and in the automated weather station network, and can be used for on-line control of nature meteorological situation.