IPNT received as a set of unique equipment from the company "YE International"

12 Сентября 2019
IPNT received as a set of unique equipment from the company

On September 11, a solemn presentation of gifts to polytechnics from the company YE-International took place.  The company is one of the largest suppliers of laboratory equipment in Russia. It has celebrated its 25th anniversary this year!  In honor of the anniversary, the company holds an action: eight universities in the country will receive expensive equipment for laboratory work in radio electronics.

An engineer of YE-International told polytechnics about the company and its products. Students were presented with a Mini-Circuits UVNA-63 laboratory kit, which includes all the necessary items for creating a fully functional vector network analyzer, as well as an RS PRO trolley tool kt tool trolley from RS PRO, tailored to all the needs of future engineers.

Elena VELICHKO, director of the Higher School of Applied Physics and Space Technologies, SPbPU, emphasized the importance of the new equipment for practical training: “The kit is designed so that students can study in practice microwave electronic devices, the theory of electromagnetic processes and its applications such as radar. The equipment allows laboratory measurements, clearly illustrating the theoretical course materials, and to evaluate the real characteristics of radio-frequency and microwave components and systems.”

Since the activities of YE-International are associated with complex technical solutions, specialists with technical education work in all positions, even the marketer and economist.  As representatives of the company comment, it is in their interest to help future professionals.