The Winter School course "Space Technologies: fundamentals" is suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate students as the first space technology course or an add-on course. The program aims to provide advanced techniques of space engineering and understanding the core physics principles related to space exploration. Space industry problems are also considered during the program in addition to technology topics. The theoretical courses cover astrophysics, space technology, and physics. Students will train their practical skills during an interactive business simulation workshop. The speakers are industry experts and scientists experienced in the field of space technology.
Theoretical module:
- Cosmic rays: from physics to space technologies;
- Gravitational waves, gamma-ray bursts and neutrinos from collapsing stars;
- Experimental cosmology. From stars to the boundaries of Universe;
- The Friedmann Universe and Modern Cosmology;
- Tools of Radio Astronomy.
Satellite navigation systems and signal processing:
- Practice on satellite antenna signal processing;
- Satellite Communications;
- Global Navigation Satellite Systems;
- Processing GPS Signals to Determine Receiver Position and Time (practice on MATLAB);
- Frequency standards.
Satellite design:
- Nanosatellites Engineering (Electrical, mechanical and computer engineering aspects of nanosatellite system engineering);
- Projects consultations;
- Nanosatellite mission design;
- Motion in Space: Electric Propulsion;
- Substance in Space: Spectral Analysis.
Other developments in space industry:
- International spectrum management system for space applications;
- SPbPU main projects in space technologies (excursion in laboratories);
- New materials for electronic production;
- Modern sensor systems based on nanostructures.