International Forum “International Polytechnic Week 2017” Conference

22 Мая 2017 13:09 - 27 Мая 2017 13:09
International Forum “International Polytechnic Week 2017” Conference

International Forum “International Polytechnic Week 2017” will take place May 22-27, 2017 during the wonderful time of white nights in St. Petersburg.

International Forum “International Polytechnic Week 2017” will take place May 22-27, 2017 during the wonderful time of white nights in St. Petersburg.

Every year the Forum provides a platform for international partner days, scientific conferences, thematic seminars and round tables.

This year the International Polytechnic Week will include a number of events devoted to international cooperation best practices.

For students we organize open lectures delivered by visiting professors from partner universities, information days devoted to studying opportunities abroad and International Education Fair.

For faculty members, researches and specialists we organize scientific conferences, thematic seminars and round tables. For professors participating in Erasmus mobility programmes we organize International Staff Week in the frameworks of the Forum: open lectures, trainings, and meetings according to professional interests.

For our international partners we organize International Partner Days to create a platform for sharing experience and best practices.

For all our guests we offer open Russian language interactive courses and social programme.

Last year representatives from over 50 universities from over 20 countries participated in the Forum, including our strategic partners.

Looking forward to meeting you at SPbPU!

The venue of the event:
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University 
Supply Centre for International Activity 
Grazhdansky Pr., 28a, Study Building 16