Scientific group "Effective Radio Monitoring Systems"
Radio monitoring systems are necessary when searching for objects in distress or groups of individuals using signals of various kinds of radio beacons, when analyzing the radioactive situation in large areas using signals from arbitrarily placed sensors, when detecting unauthorized sources of radio emission, etc. At the same time, the use, along with ground radio monitoring stations, of unmanned aerial vehicles, both ground-based and orbital, can significantly increase the efficiency of solving the listed tasks.
The implementation of such systems is associated with the need to develop special algorithms for detecting and measuring the parameters of signals of radiation sources, methods for implementing these algorithms, taking into account the requirements for onboard small-sized equipment, improving navigation methods and spatial orientation of the UAVs themselves, as well as methods for increasing the noise immunity of monitoring systems in relation to interference both natural and deliberately created.
Other Information
- Rachitskaya A. P., Tsikin I. A. GNSS Integrity Monitoring in Case of a Priori Uncertainty About User's Coordinates //2018 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Photonics (EExPolytech). – IEEE, 2018. – С. 83-87.
- Nikitin A.B., E.I.Khabitueva. A 6-12 GHz Wideband Hybrid VCO. Proceedings of The 2018 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Photonics (EExPolytech). October 22-23, 2018. Saint Petersburg, Russia. – P.37-39
- Melikhova A. P., Tsikin I. A. Optimum Array Processing with Unknown Attitude Parameters for GNSS Anti-Spoofing Integrity Monitoring //2018 41st International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP). – IEEE, 2018. – С. 1-4.
- A.B. Nikitin, E.I. Khabitueva Microwave Ultra-Wideband VCO Design // 2018 International Conference on Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering, APEDE 2018 – IEEE 2018. – С.108-112.
- E.V. Egorov ; V.M. Malyshev Research of X-Band Reference Oscillator on the Monolithic Integral Schemes of Amplifiers // 2018 International Conference on Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering (APEDE)
- V.M. Malyshev, A.B. Nikitin, E.I. Khabitueva Use of Active Diode Converter for Linearizing of Characteristics of Microwave Generator with Wideband Tuning of Frequency // 2018 International Conference on Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering, APEDE 2018 – IEEE 2018. – С.356-362.
- A. P. Melikhova, I. A. Tsikin, Decision-making algorithms based on generalized likelihood ratio test for angle-of-arrival GNSS integrity monitoring.// 2018 25th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems (ICINS). –IEEE, 2018.
- E. A. Shcherbinina, I. A. Tsikin, Algorithms of GNSS signal processing based on the generalized maximum likelihood criterion for attitude determination.// 2018 25th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems (ICINS). –IEEE, 2018.
- A. P. Melikhova and I. A. Tsikin, Decision-Making Algorithms Based on Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test for Angle-of-Arrival GNSS Integrity Monitoring. // 2018 25th anniversary Saint Petersburg international conference on integrated navigation systems proceedings. – IEEE, 2018. – С. 204-207
- A. Tsikin, A. P. Melikhova. Direct Signal Processing for GNSS Integrity Monitoring // Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems – Springer, 2017 – С. 635-643.
- I. Tsikin, A. Melikhova Angle-of-Arrival GPS Integrity Monitoring Insensitive to Satellite Constellation Geometry. // Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems. – Springer, 2016. – T. 9870 – С. 584-592.
- A. Melikhova, I. Tsikin. Antenna Array With a Small Number of Elements for Angle-of-Arriving GNSS Integrity Monitoring // Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), 2016 39th International Conference on on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP). – IEEE, 2016. – С. 190-193.
- A.B. Nikitin, E.I. Khabitueva The features of chip resistors usage in hybrid microwave integrated circuits // Conference Proceedings - 2016 International Conference on Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering, APEDE 2016
- Malyshev V.M., Nikitin A.B. Phase Noise Of The Broadband Microwave Voltage Controlled Oscillator With Tuning Characteristic Linearized By The Diode Converter. – International Conference on Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering (APEDE2016), Vol.1, – IEEE 2016. – pp.71-77.
- Shcherbinina E., Tsikin I. GPS antenna array calibration for attitude determination based on reference phase difference method // 39th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), // IEEEXplore Digital Library. – 2016.– P.174-177
- Tsikin I., Shcherbinina E. GNSS Attitude Determination Based on Antenna Array Space-Time Signal Processing // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). – Springer International Publishing, 2016. – P. 573-583.
- Tsikin I.A., Melikhova A.P. Optimization of Angle-of-Arrival GPS Integrity Monitoring// Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems Volume 9247 of the series Leсture Notes in Computer Science, 2015, pp 722-728