47th Young European Radio Astronomers Conference

18 September 2017
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47th Young European Radio Astronomers Conference
Start 18 September 2017
End 22 September 2017
Bologna, Italy


For many of the participants, YERAC is their first international meeting, and it provides them with a good opportunity to get practice giving talks about their research. The conference sessions are therefore exclusively for their talks and posters. Due to its nature, YERAC covers all aspects of radio astronomy, from the Sun out to the cosmic microwave background, from stars and planets to the most distant galaxies, using single dish and interferometric techniques, models and theoretical work. YERAC is especially valuable in forging pan-European links between new astronomers which frequently lead to fruitful collaborations over many decades.

The Istituto di Radioastronomia hosted the YERAC three times in the past: in 1972, 1980 and 1996.

Participation in YERAC is by nomination only. A maximum of about 50 participants will be accepted. Directors of radio astronomical institutes and University Departments are invited to send one student and inform the organization of the YERAC as soon as possible, and in any case no later than May 15th, 2017.

RadioNet and the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Istituto di Radioastronomia will cover the costs of accommodation and lunch for each participant. No further support to participants will be allocated. No registration fee is requested.

At the page www.yerac.org information on the previous editions of the YERAC can be found.


The YERAC will be held at the Area di Ricerca del CNR, Via Gobetti 101, Bologna. It will start on the morning of September 18th, 2017 and will finish at lunch time on September 22nd, 2018.



The participants will be lodged in double rooms at the brand new hostel We_Bologna (we-gastameco.com), located about 20 minutes walk from the CNR and within walking distance from the New AV Bologna Central Station (Via Carracci Exit). The accommodation will include breakfast. Participants are expected to arrive on Sunday Semptember 17th, and depart on Friday September 22nd.

Important deadlines

May  15  - Directors send the name of the participant to yerac-17@ira.inaf.it 
June  1  - Participants who need a visa ask for the invitation letter providing the complete information.
July 31  - Registration deadline
August 15  - Abstract submission

Website: http://indico.ira.inaf.it/event/4/
Contact: yerac-17@ira.inaf.it

Organising Committee:

M. Bondi & T. Venturi
M. Stagni -  Web manager
A. Tabellini - Secretary and administration