31st annual European Space Thermal Analysis Workshop

24 October 2017
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31st annual European Space Thermal Analysis Workshop
Start 24 October 2017
End 25 October 2017
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Deadlines & Calendar of Events

First announcement & Call for presentations            May 2017 
Presentation submission deadline 18 September 2017
Preliminary programme   Early October 2017
Registration deadline  23 October 2017
Workshop dates 24-25 October 2017


Proceedings of previous workshops can be found at https://exchange.esa.int/thermal-workshop 

Anyone interested in giving a presentation during this Workshop is invited to send a title and a short description of the contents (abstract) to the organiser:

Harrie Rooijackers
email: Harrie (at) thermal.esa.int
phone: +31 71 565 3453

as soon as possible and not later than 18 September 2017

Authors will be informed if it is possible to include the presentation in the programme. After acceptance, authors will receive instructions for the preparation of their final handouts for inclusion in the Proceedings.

The final programme will be available on the conference Web page prior to the Workshop.
The Proceedings will be produced after the workshop and published on the Thermal Control website mentioned above.

Web site: http://esaconferencebureau.com/2017-events/17m47/introduction